Recently I posted a link to a study on water vapor . Some here were unaware of the importance of water vapor in the atmosphere. Most of you have probably seen them but apparently some of you have not. Heres two very informative films with an alternative perspective. Free Movies & Documentaries - The Great Global Warming Swindle (2007) Interesting the scientists commenting on how money influences studies. Thats just what I have been surmising this past week. Climate Catastrophe Canceled - 9 Translation(s) | dotSUB Lindzen talks about Iris Effect at very end of this . If hes correct ,there will be no AGW from CO2.
A thread providing links to videos is probably a good idea. So we might consider the following - Global Warming - Balanced Videos which groups videos as balanced/proponents/skeptical. Actually I can't make any of the videos play here. Could have something to do with being behind the internet world's most famous firewall. Or maybe the site itself is broke? Somebody else please check and report.
Water vapor! *slaps forehead* Of course! Why has no one thought of accounting for it before? Thanks, deniers! You can all go now, your work here is done.
Now that the climate science is settled and you apparently know it all,why bother to learn anything more?
Just checked the page and the videos seem to work for me - great site! And the first video got me hooked - intelligent debate (finally) and some very well respected scientists on both sides. The host, Brian Lehrer, is a local favorite radio host here in NYC. No matter the topic, he always hosts a well balanced debate. He's a terrific moderator...I just don't have 77 minutes to watch the whole thing right now! DOH Tochatihu - thanks for posting info that is clearly usual. :thumb:
Yer welcome. Personally prefer reading the primary literature, but I fully understand that does not fit everyones' lives. Hence there may be a better site linking to the wide range of climate science videos; the yourvoicematters was just the first site I encountered that seemed to fit the bill. If anyone has further suggestions I guess this would be a good place to put them.