I have a 2005 with 366,000 miles and after stopping at a store last night, I got in it to find the singals and flashers are not working. I checked the 15a fuse for the flashers and it is good. Could it be the switch? Not sure why both would go at the same time unless they are somehow connected. Are they? I have a 2007 with 320,000 miles and have never had this issue. I was thinking it might be a power issue, as the battery dies occasionally if sitting in a parking lot with the radio on, but everything else in the car works (headlamps, fog lamps, radio, heat/ac,etc). The clock did re-set to 1:00. I also swapped the relay with the one from my 2007, so that is not the issue. Any suggestions? **Update**. I fixed it. Turns out the fuse for the HAZ was the 10a above the one I checked and it was blown. It was dark, so I pulled the wrong one. It is working now, but still not sure why it was blown.