1 part stupidity 1 part desperation 1 desire for a new engine = Epic. It does help if you are an automobile enthusiast. How to blow/mess up a engine - B15sentra.net - Nissan Sentra Forum
damn, that's hilarious. The dude's license is suspended, so he can't drive the car... yet he's poured $6-7k into it in the past few months, and is intentionally destroying his engine so he can put in a new one. Seriously... his GF should be like "Wth? your car was running great, you decide you want this new engine for it, i tell you no... and that same night the engine just *happens* to blow up? I'm still saying no to the new engine, dumb***."
Saddest, yes... surprising... not really. We aren't exactly dealing with the brightest individual here, i think we could all agree.