I'm considering some truck nuts for my mandarin Prius C. Too much? Kinda like calling a shiatsu "Cujo"
Draggin' shouldn't be a problem during the Canadian winters. You planning on a matching set, blue? haha! j/k.
Sounds like overcompensation to me. Calling attention to it acknowledges and hence justifies everyone's doubts.
Truck Nutz are no different than Green Peace stickers. Both are to draw attention and make some kind of statement. If it makes you feel good do it.
Do it! I can't because I drive my 9 year old to school and the school as well as my neighbors are kinda unsure about me. It's not like they have actually seen my rap sheet.
uhh.. sure.. they're both made to draw attention... but there's good attention.. and then there's the Wth?! not appropriate.. attention. in which case might actually apply to both examples you mentioned. by all means, i'm not stopping you if you want them.. just saying at least in my opinion, it's a bit much.
If it's what you want to do, then whatever. But on a truck, on a Prius, anywhere they are just stupid.
Most Prius owners despise being stereotyped, but some are guilty of the exact same thing. Life is so short to always be serious. Enjoy it, have fun and learn to laugh, especially at yourself.
The OP was making fun of the idea, and posted it as a joke. People are not seeing the smiley indicating it was a joke. It was actually a laugh at the goons that put those on their big nice person trucks. Since the "C" is almost a complete opposite, it was meant in good humor.