When I first got the car and I sync'd my Motorola V600 I did it sans manual (since I'm a guy and reading manuals to me is like garlic to Dracula). The phone works great, but I saw a selection to transfer my phone book to the car and tried it and it wouldn't work--it dropped the BT connection. So...before I start ripping through the manuals in search of an answer (or at least a headache) I thought I'd ask here. Has anyone been able to successfully transfer their phone's phone book to their Prius?? If so, please tell me how.
I presume you're not with Verizon because if you are, there's your reason. It seems that certain phones (and carriers) will do the phonebook transfer better than others. Some will send all at once and others one at a time.
I have Suckular. The phone interaction with the BT is great, but transferring doesn't work at all...not even one at a time.
Try searching on V600. As aaf709 says, some phones and some providers don't do the address book transfer. There is a way it can be done from a notebook with bluetooth if your's doesn't. You should be able to find that with a search also...
I spotted this thread (All Bluetooth Cellphones That Work In The Prius) and I think it answered my question. Looking at the link with the user guides to the different phones, I was able to find my V600 and there it states "contacts can only be transferred one at a time". There may have been an error in the way I was sending the indivdual contacts. Gonna try the step by step in this guide and see if that fixes it.
Okay I figured out what I was doing wrong and was able to add a couple of entries one at a time, but wow--I have about 50 entries to add! Does anyone know if you can voice dial though the car...I can do that with the phone now. Is there a way to attach a voice tag to each phone number so it can be dialed without using the screen?
I just asked this question two days ago and got this answer from The Fish. It worked like a charm: "OP, the place to record voice tags is a little hidden. Go to your phone book and choose a contact. Then choose edit to get to the Edit Contact Data screen - you should the name and two places for phone numbers and another place for group. On the left of that screen are page up/down arrows. Press the down arrow and you should get the voice tag button on the right. Push that button you should see the voice tag setup screen. You should be fine from there. This has to be done for each contact and I think it only works for one number for each contact. Good luck!" Patti
I have bonded both my Motorola SLVR L7 V8 and my wife's Motorola RAZR V3 (original model) (Both Cingular) at the same time and they work great. No issues setting it up without reading the manual and call quality is excellent/ The only thing I have not figured out yet is how to transfer the whole phonebook at once (one at a time works but I had to dig deep into the menu for each contact on the phone to do it).