Source: 4 killed, 16 hurt when train hits veterans parade truck in Texas - Accidents happen, bad things to good people, but this . . . Bob Wilson
Requiring driver's ed to get an operator's license and offering driver's ed in all high schools might have prevented this. But that's Texas.
^ I can't think of any state that offers drivers Ed in all schools and/or requires it for a drivers license.
we offer it in school and i think there is a serious insurance penalty if you don't take it one way or the other. and we are not known for good driving, but i think the roads play into that a bit. and rudeness.
^ When I was in school, we got an insurance discount for it but not a penalty. The school didn't offer it directly; if we wanted to take the class we paid out of pocket and a private driving school came and used the school's facilities for the class.
IMO this isn't an accident. It is reported that the driver intentionally ignored the flashing signals and went around the dropped gates which is not the same as a disabled vehicle stuck on the tracks when the gates dropped. If the driver died I'd nominate him for a Darwin Award. If he survived I'd charge him with vehicular homicide & UP should recover damages from his insurance company. I'd like to see the video shot from the locomotive.