Traction Control bypass

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Technical Discussion' started by WesternSlope, Apr 27, 2011.

  1. WesternSlope

    WesternSlope New Member

    Apr 27, 2011
    2010 Prius
    Since I purchased the 2010 Prius back in December I've had my issues with Traction Control. On a few occasions it would have been helpful to disable it but according to Toyota you can't. However for those who "may" want the ability to disable it in those rare moments I did find one easy solution, pull the ABS fuse under the hood. When you start the car the ABS warning light will appear on the dash. After trying it on a snow covered, flat parking area it worked and the wheels kept spinning.

    Be warned, after reading all the comments about potentially damaging the drive train I'm weary about installing my own bypass. Nevertheless, I had those occasions where I'm within five feet of the top of the drive and the wheels power down. Had they been able to spin just a little the momentum would have carried me over the top. I'm not talking about driving at high speeds or punching the gas from the start of a hill. In the old days you would let off the gas as you climbed and if judged correctly you could easily make the top.

    So be "very" easy and in my opinion this should only be used at very low speeds, short periods and don't let the wheels spin fast - only slowly if possible. In addition avoid any possibility of the wheels suddenly grabbing dry pavement which might shock the drive train. Also remember that the Traction Control is integrated with ABS so turn it back on. The dash warning light will remind you.
  2. cyclopathic

    cyclopathic Senior Member

    Apr 15, 2011
    2014 Prius c
    2010 Prius
    thanks for the tip.. will keep it in mind

    do you still have snow on Vale pass?

    we had it once or twice over winter :)