OK, I have a new but related question. I am ordering a new set of Ecopia 422's to install on my 2007 touring model. I have replaced one TPMS sensor at a cost of about $85 and have no interest in replacing any more. If I have the tire installer remove all of the sensors and use standard stems how can I disable the system? Is it as simple as pulling a fuse?
you cannot disable the system. You would normally replace all 4 when the time comes, that way it's a 1 time expense of about $200. This is needed every 10 years or so, so basically only one time and your car should last to 20 years old
Thanks guys. Guess i'll leave the light on. I'm anal about tire pressures and have a great gauge so maybe tape over the light.
If you want standard valve stems, then use some other vehicle to take the wheels to the tire shop, while your Prius stays home. Then you bolt the wheel-tire sets back on yourself, at home. If you take your Prius in to the shop, the installer cannot legally use standard stems unless the TPMS system was previously non-functional for a different reason. But when just a set of wheels comes into the shop, without the car, then they have the plausible legal deniability to not use TPMS components. E.g. for your "non-TPMS 2006 Prius" , or for anything else made before the TPMS mandate. They don't even need to ask what model and year of vehicle you are putting these on to. The TPMS light will stay on. If you don't like it, cover it with black electrical or duct tape. This is the easiest and cheapest way to 'disable' it, and is just as easily reversible in case you later want it working again, or sell the car. ... or drive to Canada to get new tires, where TPMS is not required. But that is a bit difficult right now, with the border closed to non-essential travelers.