Apparently, Toyota is an organization that is leading the charge against President Obama's clean energy agenda. They like to have a green image, but what about this?? Kevin Grandia | Toyota's Two-Faced Stance on Climate Change
I agree with the first commenter on that thread. The blogger provides no evidence to support his claim that Toyota is a "big backer" of the Chamber. Yes, they are a member.... like millions of other corporations. You provide no evidence to support your claim that Toyota is "leading the charge" against any legislation or agenda.
"Guilt by association" is just another form of character assassination. There are bigger fish to fry. Bob Wilson
This position is relativly new for the chamber of commerce. Toyota should quit or protest formally the chamber's stance. As the article says other companies are leaving due to this postion but just because a company has not quit right away does not make 'guilty'. The position itself is in my opinion pretty bad but its not a black and white issue. It was bad enough for Nike and Apple to go though.