Toyota of Morristown, NJ

Discussion in 'Dealers & Pricing' started by jmpenn, May 27, 2006.

  1. jmpenn

    jmpenn New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
    Rockaway, NJ
    The salesman Jeremiah Tobin was a nice guy. I had no problems with him. There seems to ba lack of communication between the sales people and the back office though. I knew the VIN# before the saleman did.

    The finance guy was all business. Showed me the options Extended warrenty, tire protection, other stuff. The price of the 7/100000 warrenty wass about $1300 alone. I said I could get it cheaper. $990 to be exact. He asked if that was with or without deductable. Without. Loks in his book and said he would match it. Good news.

    The trade in. Bad news. I looked up the value of my Durango on KBB. A high of $7200 and a low of 5500. The dealer doesn't use KBB. "They're mainly for the west coast." "They run on the high side." We use Galves. Needless to say I didn't have a price from Galves. It's $5 for a one day subscription to their site. "Here's the base for your car. Minus the $75 per 1K miles over 75K that the base is calculated on. We'll raise it to $4K." Such a deal. But I don't want the pains of trying to sell it on my own, so I take the money. So I go home and spend the $5 for Galves. I run the numbers. I get $5600 as a final price. I go back the next day and complain. They don't budge. "Take the $4K or take the truck back and sell it yourself."
  2. ghostofjk

    ghostofjk New Member

    Mar 8, 2006

    Your mistake for not even having a piece of scratch paper where someone had jotted down what they're offering for your vehicle. NEVER leave that part of the transaction up in the air until they put you in the cooker (finance guy). You're giving them too many variables, which makes them better able to make theings come out the way they want.

    Before you went in the cooker, had anyone told you verbally what they'd give you? Or on what it would be based? They're supposed to-- right after they appraised it.