Any of youse guys fans of this type of racing? Toyota could have easily won last year but Audi prevailed.... These are some SuperBadass Toyota Hybrids. If you have never watched Lemans be careful its addictive and its a very long race.
Not just pole at Le Mans, but the first ever by a Japanese driver. That's significant. I'll be watching now and then, but not attempting to stay up for the whole 24 hours, like I did as a kid.
<spoiler alert> Aauugh. Audi. Again. Poor Nakajima, sitting there at Arnage with a dead car, through no fault of his own. Well, as they say, that's racing. Next year!
I believe it was last year when Audi fielded four cars. If Toyota wants to win LeMans, they're going to have to stick three cars out there to bring the odds up.