Got my company car a few days ago, its a 2014 Prius. I left it in the work car park on Friday night and when I went to start this morning it was totally dead. No lights or computer power up. I had to use manual key to get in. To be sure I also held the fob against the start button in case the battery in that was flat. No joy. I have never owned a car like this before. Is it just the normal 12v, I had no warnings it was going to die?
Sounds like a 12v problem. Is there a warranty on it? The 12v is a special one, will cost a little more than the normal lead acid 12v batteries
no, there are no warnings. but it is unusual of a '14. could it have sat around a lot before you got it? anywho, check the warranty as jc says^. if no satisfaction, get a charger and a volt meter. charge it up and keep an eye on it. sometimes, letting them go flat can kill them. the battery is in the right rear corner of the hatch, under the triangular floor cover. there is a jump point in the fuse box under the hood you can use to check voltage.
Yeah warranty on the car I think. Wondering if it is the alternator? Yeah, they said it had not been used very much and I was only doing 5 min journeys to work as only just started so not out selling yet. Also turns out it is 10,000 miles over the service interval, going in Thursday. They had a jump start box that they used to get it going. Took it on a 60 mile round trip tonight to get it charged. Will mention on service.
There is no alternator in this car, it's charged by the dc dc converter. Just replace the battery or charge it back up