I’m waiting to here from insurance but does this damage look like it could have totaled the car ? It’s worth 25k . You can’t see in the picture that the hatch lid is cracked
Sorry to see your Prime in this shape. I hope no personal injury. I am assuming this is an accident hit by another car? If the hatch is cracked that alone is probably over $10K. In addition, if the traction battery under the deck is damaged, it is certainly going to cost more to fix it than writing it off. Did any of the airbags get deployed?
Need a pic ‘round the drivers side. Certainly doesn’t “look” totalled, but who knows with today’s glass-jaw (and butt) cars.
No airbags my hope is the unibody damage and hatch plus all the miscellaneous cosmetic stuff is enough to put it over the edge . I’ve had a lot of cars and this Prius has been my favorite if it is totaled I’ll be being the same car again.
When my car was totaled, all the airbags went off, otherwise the inside of the car was completely fine. The airbags bursts out of the seems and it feels like a war zone inside. Mine was also a side impact but front side. In your case the impact seems on the side. Not sure, if the all the airbags still go off.
Is the rear wheel cockeyed, iimpacted at all? We took a hit in that corner (on our 2010), wheel was stoved in some, required replacement of the rear solid axle, the bill was around $7~8K CDN (covered by insurance, apart from deductible). Not totalled, and the repair was excellent: place we usually go to, and they know their stuff. Think they sub the suspension repairs to another shop.