5:15pm 11/25/13 Deer jumped out in front and was kicked into field goal like spin forward over telaphone wires and thru the posts. Went more than 60+ yards. Almost upside down $$$$$ even after a large DP and 2.5 yrs of payments. Warning buy the GAP protection from dealer on this car. High milage caused large depreciation reason for my misery. 2nd Deer Collision and 3rd major incident without bodily harm!!!
brutal! sorry to hear it man, glad you're okay. we have too many deer and not enough hunting. all the best going forward.
Almost upside down means your not upside down. These cars take a big depreciation the first 2-3 years. So will you buy another Prius or maybe a Honda or something? Thank God you are OK.
Check my Signature. Rolled into another Gen 3 with lower monthly payment! Really wanted PIP but have to wait . Mad cause I was just getting to the big payoff and spinning big miles on the 2011. Teenage daughter will have to wait more years to get this one. Was at Auto service station on Thursday and guy driving a pick-up was not so lucky. Deer was punted by Chevy Caprice into his Driver side windshield. Both Vehiciles were traveling around 40mph. (so 80 mph Scud/Deer)Dude never had a chance, took his head off. Trophy buck was in pick up bed after going straight thru windshild, Driver, Seatback, roof, & rear windshild. Pick-up body totaled.
PIP a good car but they depreciate a boat load. You'll do good with the Hybrid. A guy I worked with hit a deer with his car. He said it was like hitting a brick wall. Air bags deployed and he was sore for a few days. He had his seat belts on. The car was totaled.
I have to watch out for that every day. I hit a coyote one night. Just ordered HID lights so I have a little more reaction time (if one does not jump out at me). Read today where a lady was joging and was hit by a flying deer. It was hit by a car launching it through the air and took her out. They should put a deer crossing lane at a stop light so no one gets hurt when the deer need to cross the road.
Thats what i'm talking about. If they just pay attention and only cross at the light then we and the deer would be safer
Did you at least get to keep the deer? Venison steaks and burgers are great! BTW...If you get 3 more deer confirmed, you will be an ACE!
All deer read the "Deer Crossing" signs and knowing full well this is the place to cross the road. DBCassidy
I imagine moose are downright scary to see on the road I once seen a big nice person cow on I-94 in Montana Bad news... Mike
Did not stop to look for my Deer. Thought it might have gone through someone's roof!!! Went straight to Dealer. Then to Airport to rent a car. Just missed another Deer & then went off road in rental and almost wrecked that car!!! Bad things happen in 3's. Did I say it was a Monday!
Moose and elk are even worse, due to taller legs putting their body mass above the hood, at windshield level. In many places, the most common form of deer permit is spelled 'Driver License'.
I know this was a jest, but the deer in my neighbourhood do basically use the pedestrian system. They are essentially big stupid pets. They are not scared of humans and just wander around the neighbourhoods. They generally walk up and down the road on the sidewalks and cross at the crosswalks where the sidewalk slopes down for wheelchair access. Too lazy to step a curb? Who knows, but they just meander around. They haven't quite learned the streetlights, but it wouldn't surprise me if they did eventually!