Torque Pro Import Layout where is .Torque dir ??

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Victorio Mo, Mar 22, 2020.

  1. Victorio Mo

    Victorio Mo Member

    Oct 6, 2012
    Folsom, California
    2008 Prius
    I'm trying to import layouts into my Torque Pro, I downloaded couple from www as Layout_1.Dash file.
    I learned that they should be copied into .torque/dashboards and I assume this should on the phone storage (not sdCard).
    And I can't see any there, I see Android... most prominent is torqueLogs and it's empty. And I able to see some other .hidden folders.

    Can anybody help how to achieve this, once I press Import Layout I don't have and option to navigate to any other directory.
    I created via export test1111.dash out of my existing layout. Then in file explorer I did found its path which is /Storage/emulated/0./Torque

    But I can't see this path in PC

    Tx for help.

    P.S> Also can anybody recommend reliable ODB)) unit, I bought one but looks like it's not work with Hybrid VOltage dials.
    #1 Victorio Mo, Mar 22, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2020