I'm trying to import layouts into my Torque Pro, I downloaded couple from www as Layout_1.Dash file. I learned that they should be copied into .torque/dashboards and I assume this should on the phone storage (not sdCard). And I can't see any there, I see Android... most prominent is torqueLogs and it's empty. And I able to see some other .hidden folders. Can anybody help how to achieve this, once I press Import Layout I don't have and option to navigate to any other directory. I created via export test1111.dash out of my existing layout. Then in file explorer I did found its path which is /Storage/emulated/0./Torque But I can't see this path in PC Tx for help. Mario P.S> Also can anybody recommend reliable ODB)) unit, I bought one but looks like it's not work with Hybrid VOltage dials.