Maybe the old forum software had this & I never noticed, but clicking on the number of replies to a thread pulls up a list of who its contributors are, ranked from most prolific to most shy - and if you click on a contributor's tally THAT stacks up all that contributor's posts in chronological sequence. It's a neat gadet for getting a quick read on what strikes each of us as important. For example, I'm the top poster (by a wide margin) in the googlemaps scavenger game, very much in line with my enjoyment of aerial landscapes, maps, puzzles & games. Out of curiosity I checked out the rankings in the Waterboarding thread, a boiling hot topic with most of its posts hissing high pressure steam for some time, and, sure enough, one contributor saw that thread as overwhelmingly important compared to everyone else in it, and with a point of view diametrically opposed to virtually everyone else in it. Hmmmm. It also reveals how small the actual pool of participants is here in Fred's, with about 80% of the contributions coming from 20% of the contributors (the 80/20 rule is as unbreakable as gravity), and that 20% numbering just about 20 - 30 people, more or less. Not even a big enough crowd to throw a good party (although it'd be one hell of a party)!! Joe Bob says, check it out! Mark Baird Alameda CA
I knew about the clicking on the number thing (that was on the previous version of the board, too), but I didn't know about the clicking on the number in the list thing. That IS cool. For those who are curious but lazy, here are the top three posters in all the active word-game threads: Free Word Association Part Two: eclectcmoi 900 dreichla 758 AuntBee 582 Question Everything: eclectcmoi 1,009 Skwyre7 430 dreichla 362 the "next poster" game: eclectcmoi 513 galaxee 491 TJandGENESIS 352 Only Three Words: eclectcmoi 659 Stev0 293 TJandGENESIS 268 Two Words: eclectcmoi 590 Stev0 294 TJandGENESIS 264 Black or White?: dreichla 296 eclectcmoi 296 withersea 179 Word: eclectcmoi 326 Stev0 275 AuntBee 203 Anybody notice a trend? (It's OK, eclectcmoi, we still love you!)
Maybe it just feels a little clique-ish to newcomers? Did to me yesterday when I had a game post ignored, leaving me to wonder if my question wasn't cool enough, if I'd broken an unstated rule or what. But since I love word games, and adore my Prius, I'm not that easy to get rid of. I already have a bit of an inferiority complex on here on PC: this is my first car with so much technology - ok, much of any technology at all. I'm trying to get a local club going in a relatively low-Prius-density area. So, if you want to attract new folks, how about a getting-to-know-you kind of game. Something like a scavenger hunt for facts about people who post here. Whoever starts could post three facts about somone - color or features of their car, where they live and something else you know about them: job, hobby, etc, and others could ask questions and then make a guess about who it is. You can garner facts from their posts or from anything they link to, like a personal website. We could say they have to have made 3 posts here on "Freds" in the past month if you want. Anybody want to play? Or has it already been done?
crossposting happens all the time. usually the crossposter sees it and will go back and answer the other question, but we're all guilty of missing one or 2 here or there. no worries, everybody's welcome i think it's cool- i say start up the game and we'll see who gets involved!
wow, never knew about any of it before or after...\ i am proud to say that (i admit i only checked about 4 of them) in the threads Jonathan brought up, i had either one or no posts... but for those of you that had a few more, i'm glad you are having fun
Oh, don't worry. Sometimes days go by without someone posting in any one of those threads. Personally, I just look at the last post, I pay little or no attention to the person who made the post.
Oh, so that's why those numbers are highlighted. Good find, airportkid! It doesn't surprise me in the least you're the most active in the google maps thread, nor that eclectcmoi is the most active in the word games. I'll try harder to keep up!