My 08 Touring has 5 month-old 195/65 R16 tires. These tires have all leaked about 1 pound a week, since purchase. Two weeks ago, I increased their psi to 43, and the slow-leaks have almost stopped. After 2 weeks, one tire was down a half-pound. The maximum psi rating for these tires is 51. Toyota only recommends 35 psi for this car. Is it because I bought cheap tires, or is this typical 'break in' behavior? Thanks.
It's just the bead seating in in my opinion. Fill them up to max pressure and let them sit for about a day in the sun, then bleed them down to where you want them. If that doesn't do it for you then consider having them pull the tires and clean the beads, then remount and rebalance of course. -Best wishes! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Yea... I bet it was a dirty shop that mounted the tires. Gotta keep your shop clean for the same reasons you gotta keep your car clean!
In 450k miles of Prius driving of 3 different models, I've encountered a number slow tire leaks. The majority of them were leaks at the valve stems, but not at the Schrader valve The leaked air was tunneling around or through the rubber bushing just above the TPMS sensor. Dorman makes a refurbishment kit containing a new rubber grommet, but it leaks, too. I think the core issue is that Toyota needed to redesign the hole in the rim through which the valve stem passes. The only thing I've found that works consistently is some gooey leak-stopping syrupy stuff that HVAC repair guys use on refrigerant fittings. It dispenses from a small plastic bottle and looks like Kayro syrup. I lube up the rubber grommet with this stuff and then hand it to the kid at the tire shop along with a crisp $10 bill. The $10 bill is really insufficient compensation because he will spend 15 minutes trying to clean the excess gooey stuff from his hands.