How do you reset tire sensor on prius v 2012 three!? Just got tire fixed and filled with air but sensor still on?
Drive on it for a while and (if the sensor is still good), the warning light will stop displaying. Caveat: some tire shops manage to break the TPMS sensors when mounting tires.
Mine takes surprisingly long. The light will usually go out sometime late the next day after I add air. -Chap
"Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime." Google: prius v tire pressure reset OR and click on Owners hint: There is a button
Yes, I can and did read (several times), but it doesn't function as stated... Driving a few miles clears it up, however.
"a few minutes" is the language in our 2010 Owner's Manual as well. I wish they would commit to something more definite: the once or twice I've gone through the procedure I'm always wondering how long to wait.
In this case, teaching the man to fish would be to say: don't fiddle with the reset at all, unless for some reason you want to change the pressure your TPMS is set to alarm at. Otherwise, just air the tires back up, and wait for the light to go out. (On my car, it takes about a day after adding the air.) -Chap