Can anyone tell me how dark can I tint the window in LA, CA? I'm planning to put 20% on all front and back windows.
70?? wow. might as well not bother! yoyoman, the percentage listed is the percentage of light that gets through the film. so 70% is not a dark tint. for example, NC allows 35% all around except the windshield. so that's how my car was done. but my car is registered in WI so I'm really only supposed to have 50% on the front windows. but usually if you get pulled over for tint violation, you get a warning and maybe a small fine. do a google search on tint laws and you'll find a ton of good explanations of state laws.
yoyoman, The front side driver and passanger windows must have 70% visable light transmittance.(NET) The rear and side windows can be tinted to any darkenss as long as the vehicle has rear side view mirrors on both sides. NET - TOTAL LIGHT TRANSMITTANCE "GLASS + FILM" The Prius already has tint (not film) inherrent in the glass. So just about any tint on the front side windows would put the glass into the illegal arena, when measured with a tint meter. The windshield can be tinted with any darkness tint with a strip of 4 inches at the top of the windshield. The California Vehicle Code number is 26708. Read it here... Californiia Vehicle Code
Not in Cali - but I'm breaking the law Limo tint on 2-rear windows as well as 2-rear side windows Front windows have 35% Took a little time getting used to... but in the bright sun it's great and adds to the comfort. At night however it is difficult to see out the rear windows.
What about putting clear film on the front windows that still cuts down UV and some IR, without dropping VLT below 70% cumulative?