My dealer emailed me that the got confirmation from Toyota that their order was confirmed by Toyota and that they were 100% assured of getting our desired car. Does this step mean anything in terms of a somewhat normal time schedule of x weeks? If so, what is x?
Your car will be offloaded at Long Beach Ca. Ask your dealer what ship it is or will be on. They should know. If you can find out which ship I can tell you when it will be in port. Transit to LB via SF/Benicia from Japan should be about 16 days. Rail and truck to Gallup maybe another 5 to 7 days.
The dealer assures us all they know is that the order was confirmed and they were assured we were getting it & that's all they know.
When your VIN gets assigned a shipment status report will be made. This used to have the ship name on it, weather it was in transit by rail or truck and a time frame for delivery to your dealer. NEW CENTURY 1 - 9229398 - Vessel's Details and Current Position is offloading at LB right now. I expect the HEIJIN - 8905426 - Vessel's Details and Current Position via SF/Benicia about 7/20. CENTURY HIGHWAY NO.2 - 8319718 - Vessel's Details and Current Position is loading at Toyohashi right now and I believe its headed to Portland, Or first then maybe to LB. If so it will be in LB around 8/30. Live Ships Map - AIS - Vessel Traffic and Positions Toyohashi Live Ships Map - AIS - Vessel Traffic and Positions Long Beach