For the past two days when I tried to charge for a departure of 7am before work, it hasn't charged. I've never had this issue before. This morning when I connected it for charge now there was no issue. I've also double checked the settings so it had charged for departure 7am. Do you guys have any experience with this? Any advice?
Was it not charged at all or charged but not completed? The charging schedule can be interrupted by overriding it with the Charge Now session. I think if you do this before the scheduled time of charge, the next session will not start. There may be other reasons that the scheduled charge does not start such as power outage or unintended/intended power interruption by unplugging from the wall. Not exactly sure how the EVSE react in each case, but I have seen the warning on the dash with something like "Power was interrupted during charge"
Is the Prime’s clock set correctly? Did you remember to press the lock button at the charging port? The first time I tried to charge my Prime based on the schedule, I’m pretty sure I forgot to press the lock button so it didn’t charge.
The lock button makes no difference. I charged twice per day for 3 years using the schedule and never pressed it. Worked fine everytime.
time checked prior to turning car off. auto lock has been set for a while. I plugged in for charge now today and it worked fine. I'm just hoping maybe now it will charged based on time the next time. It didn't work the past two times. Maybe doing a charge now will kind of reset it so a timed charge will work later
It may sound dumb, but did you confirm the AM/PM for both the clock and timer are right? If one of them is set incorrectly, that would result in no charge in your scenario (assuming it was plugged in <12 hours before). Kinda like the first step in troubleshooting is to make sure your thing is plugged in... Just a thought...
Another thing to watch out for is what days of the week the charge schedule is set to repeat. On my 2021, if I don't specifically specify which days of the week the schedule runs it won't run at all. Also, make sure the date and year is set correctly (so the car knows which day of the week today is).