I read it yesterday, awesome letter, not really any political bend to it but it sure gives one an insight as to what's goint on over there.
...definitely worth a read. It's been apparent for a while that we are getting only bits and pieces of what's going on over there (hell, even here at home - blame whoever you want, it's a problem with the system) and it was a change of pace to read this. I like his wit and style just as much as the information - especially the Chuck Norris moment. One of the things that makes me sigh about the anti-war movement is that I don't think they do a very good job reminding us that these men and women (boys and girls, some of them) are just doing what they were told would help the Iraqis and protect their own country. No, it's not as bad as Vietnam - none of my military friends have been spit on - but sometimes I think we forget that they are fighting for us. If you disagree with the war, vote in people who will find a way out of this GIANT charlie-foxtrot. That doesn't mean you shouldn't buy the soldier at the bar his next drink.
Actually nothing new if you know anyone who's been over there. Good letter though, I really enjoyed reading it. Reminds me of some of the e-mails a pal would send out every so often. When it all started, we we're in El Paso, Texas. Wife was working at WBAMC. We knew lots of people who went over there. Lots of stories. My wife's cousin was in Fallujah. IED went off next to his Hummer, and he was manning the .50 on top. Took some shrapnel, but he's fine now. He got lucky. Guys in the Hummer in front of his didn't. Another friend, just had his family over last night for football. He's Marine Recon, one of the first into Baghdad. Sniper got him from a rooftop, bullet passed just over he plate in his vest, dropping a lung, but didn't do any serious damage. He got lucky. After he got out of the hospital he demanded to go back. Marines wanted to send him home. THat whole brotherhood thing the letter writer talked about. My best friend, stationed in Germany, one of the few people I'd give my own life for, is heading over there next summer. Of course I worry. I've met a lot of his Army pals, some of whom didn't make it back. I'm just hoping his nine months pass quickly and quietly. One guy, same situation as my Marine buddy. Sniper on a rooftop. Similarly the bullet just happened to pass right over the plate, over his collarbone. Problem is, his spine was in the way where the bullet wanted to exit. He didn't get lucky. It's tough hearing those kinds of stories, especially when you've had a beer with some of these guys before. But it's not all bad either. There are lots of positive stories out there too. Contrary to the media reports, there are some grateful Iraqis out there. There are some good stories out there. But then again, this is a war. Can't really expect too many happy stories when people are trying to kill each other.
Yeah, incredibly good reading. Just a good Marine telling it as it is. As for this part: "If you want to do something for me, kiss a cop, flush a toilet, and drink a beer." The last two are in the wrong order, and if you're not related to the cop, just shake her hand. Trust me.
That letter should be required reading. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Oct 9 2006, 01:09 PM) [snapback]330080[/snapback]</div> This bring back any memories, Tony?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ditto @ Oct 9 2006, 02:59 PM) [snapback]330183[/snapback]</div> They had his permission
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(geologyrox @ Oct 9 2006, 09:12 AM) [snapback]330008[/snapback]</div> I agree with you. But, I'm fearful that the idea of enacting substantive and sustainable change by simply choosing between the lesser of two evils (i.e., voting Republican or Democratic), is a bit naive. Of course, this bit of wisdom is coming from the person who rubbed old car wax on her windshield, in an attempt to remove a stone ship.
The letter just about sums it up from the Army's point of view: A professional force doing the best job it knows how. One soldier I debriefed said 'I didn't know how bad it was until I got home.' Another said 'I was too busy to worry'. The intel we are getting over there is very good and the only time things go really bad is when the politicals get involved. I think the main thing we seem to forget is that a small group of people can disrupt a large area with only a few random acts of violence (anyone remember the DC snipers?). This is my point of view and doesn't reflect the DoD.