I've got an '04 Pkg IX with about 68k miles on it. I've noticed that at speeds of greater than 60mph there is a distinct ticking noise (like the sound a bicycle makes when you turn the wheel "tick tick tick"). The noise is coming from the front end, sounds like near the passenger area. The minute you drop down to speeds of around 50 or less it goes away. I'm probably going to have to take it in to the dealer since I've already had an indy look at it. Just wondering if you guys might have any thoughts on this... maybe a belt?
I dont think a belt would make a tick noise. I'd have to hear it to guess. 1. Ok so it happens over 60 mph. If you going 70 and let off the gas does it stop? if you floor the car while going over 60 what happens with the ticking noise?
Any chance that you just had you wheels rebalanced? I was getting a ticking noise similar to what you've described right after I had a new tires installed. At around 70 km/h (43 mph) I could hear a ticking when driving next to a curb. At 90 km/h (56 mph) and above, there was a constant ticking. I thought that a nail or screw was stuck in a tire, and returned to the tire store. It turned out that the installer at the tire shop had clipped new balance weights to the outside edges of the rims. The balance weights prevented the plastic wheel covers from fitting flush against the rim. The ticking noise was caused by the flexing of the wheel covers. As soon as the correct (adhesive) weights were installed on the inside surface of the rims, the ticking ceased.