I have three solid indicators on. The Brake system warning light (an exclamation mark in a circle inside two brackets), the Slip indicator light (A car with two wavy lines), and the ABS warning light (ABS). The Maintenance soon indicator comes on and then disappears. What the heck does this mean? The lint catcher is clear and nothing is blocking the opening.
possibly a bad speed sensor or harness, but you really need to have the trouble codes read to nail it down.
Those three lights are all controlled by the same computer in the car and nearly always all three will light together when that computer has anything it wants you to know. So the fact that you have all three is quite routine; it's not a big clue or reveal of anything. The antilock brake system (the ABS light), the electronically-controlled brake (ECB, the ((!)) light), and the traction/vehicle stability control (VSC or the skidding-car light) are three sort-of-separate functional areas handled by that one computer. And they gossip about each other. Usually, when you read the trouble codes, you will find that one of them, ECB say, has a code about some actual issue for you to look into. The ABS will report a code that means "hey, did you see there's an ECB code?" and there'll be one like that from the VSC as well. Or it will be the ABS with the original code and the other two will have codes reflecting that, etc. There are scan tools that you can plug in to the diagnostic port under the dash and they will read the trouble codes for you on a convenient display, but people sometimes have mixed success with different brands. It is also possible to just poke at that diagnostic port the right way with a skinny wire, and the codes will be blinked out on those three dash lights, with you counting the blinks. It's not as convenient as a working scan tool if you have one, but it is more convenient than a scan tool you don't have or that doesn't work. There are on the order of 200 possible reasons for those lights to be on, so making guesses before reading the codes is one of those interesting games where the only winning move is not to play.
I think it was oil change maintanence indicator because once I reset the maintanence screen I have not had it come on since.
It wasn't, but if the lights haven't come back then you may be good for a while. If they do come back, you'll know to read the trouble codes.
I have the ((!)) now and the red triangle and no code. What the heck does that sound like. Just started today.