Hello Toyota Family. My 2010 Prius is still in the shop with unknown repair cost after 12 devoted years I am still really happy with my decision to own and operate a 2010 Toyota Prius in 2022. I currently drive Tesla Model Y in NYC as a cab driver. I am able to do about 250 miles on a full electrical charge and can complete a weekend tour of 12 hours every single day. But with that being said every single day the car has about 50 miles sometimes less depending on the volume of rides I do but have yet to reach the bottom after multiple 12 hour shifts. The Prius does a better job of getting about two days of work as a full tank can give up to 500 miles which is double that of the Tesla Model Y. The Prius seems to cut out the middle man while still have a dollar to cents ratio that aligns with the Model Y which can cost anywhere from $10 to $15 to charge daily while a prius is about $35 to $45 to fill the tank from empty to full. That leaves other maintenance cost like oil and filters but even with that being said the Prius is a entry cost that is easier to stomach at $27500 at the time of purchase. The Tesla model Y is somewhere in the $75000 price tag which again puts the Prius way ahead on the ownership and out of pocket expense. I am still waiting to discover how much I will be adding to my total expenses after getting the ole girl back on the road but I still consider the Prius to be the leader in cost effective fuel efficient transport. Lets see how many more years an average maintained Prius can get in the big Apple.
unknown repair costs are scary. 1. hv battery - $2500+ 2. head gasket - $2500+ 3. brake booster - $2500+ tesla replacement battery $30000
I read somewhere the tips are much better when you are ubering with a Tesla vs another car. Is that true/
With PGE's estimate at my location (San Jose, California), the break-even gasoline price is about $3.45/gallon for a Tesla Model 3 vs. a Prius Prime. Assume average gasoline price is $4.45 for the next a few years, it will take the consumption of 30,000 gallons to make the purchase price difference between the Model 3 and Prius Prime. That is roughly 1.65 million miles. So from a cost point of view, Prius is the winner. Of course, many people buy Tesla not because it is more economical...
I voted Tesla, but not for the reason you listed. If you can edit the poll, I would suggest removing the reasons. If I am going to spend hours a day in a vehicle, I would rather it be in a Model Y than a Prius. The Y is a more pleasant drive, and for me, about 10% of the fueling cost. The performance is better (this may not matter for your uses at all). There are also lots of little things that add up for me. One of the things I most miss about my Tesla is the sentry cams. I would think that would be even more significant for a taxi type service.
i voted tesla. i'm not ready to drop that kind of money on a new vehicle though. heck, i'm not ready to buy a new prius for that matter. but i would prefer a tesla. dollars and cents wise? idk, i don't drive for a living. i wouldn't buy a tesla to save money, or a prius for that matter
Can you get Tesla parts these days? I know some early adopters who had horrific wait times after minor fender benders - and this was before covid supply chain issues.