I was talking about my prius the other day and a friend that knows me and knows that we have two Prius called me. He works at toyota parts department in Tallahassee. He told me to not be so happy just yet because he is seeing orders for replacement batteries like 4 or more a month. I asked him for the years and milage and he said he would start keeping track now that I asked. He did say that the replacement was usually just out of warranty and the reason for the replacement was corrosion on the battery? Maybe its a Florida thing? he did say that the techs told him that IF there was a way for people to clean the battery connections somehow this may not happen. I will let you know more infor as I hear it.
Gen 1 had a known corrosion problem that was addressed in Gen 2. http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1028&context=auto_pres Remanufactured Hybrid Vehicle Battery Packs
Jimbo, good point! 3 possible batteries... I had a battery failure awhile back !! Cost me a buck and a half to replace the key fob battery! I have a friend with > 250K miles on a Gen3 and has had NO battery issues. His only unscheduled maintenance was an EGR valve replacement. And after that he claims a 4-5 MPG increase and noticeably more power. I'm still trying to get info from him on what the dealer did during that EGR replacement, like, did they clean out EGR passages in the intake manifold?? I was told that the Prius is the only car in Toyota's fleet that still uses EGR. Is this true? Will this system need maintenance at some point? I'm at 125K miles and wondering what to expect....
I was talking about the hv. battery I doubt too many people go to the dealership for a key fob battery thats out of warranty but I could have been talking about the 12v battery. but I was talking about the hv battery.