I help a car rental fleet and the catalytic converter theft has been a nightmare. We installed 3 different catalytic converter security product to see which was best/cheapest/ easiest to install. Showed results of theft attempts post security products install on this video.
The Cap City Muffler shield looked like the best deterrent . Maybe seeing that first would deter the thieves from performing their other precision work and moving along. Good info and I'll see how the Cap City muffler shield does on our Prime soon as it is sitting and waiting in our garage:
Was an attempt even made on the vehicle with the unscathed theft deterrent? Maybe video surveillance showing someone snooping around it and just walking away? I guess it would be a good idea to hire a cat thief to try on each of the three products to get a good feel. I bet some thieves are more skilled than others... moto g(7) power ?
So cables, useless, shield flawless (or at least untouched so far), lock- possibly useful ... except you can see the systematic way that they hit things, they clip, chop and then go for the screws last, perhaps if they get partially through they can come back another night. I wonder how welding steel rods to the pipe works out. Definitely need to get a shield though when I find a replacement cat.
I would also like to know what the process was for the cat shield (did the thief just take a look under?). I bet if you added a thicker gauge steel bar screwed along the middle over that cat shield it would really deter thieves as cutting through both the shield and bar would take some time and lots of noise. However nothing is foolproof after all.
Basically, thieves go for the easy pickings first. If they want it bad enough, they'll get it. If the see the shield, it's more likely that they'll go elsewhere first. If they want to work, they'll get and honest job. They are lazy.