You just knew this was coming didn't you? "Obviously, the suspect possessed the knife without a legitimate reason," said Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura said. "I think we have to seriously consider what we can do to step up the restrictions." Outlaw knifes, and only outlaws will have knives! On the other hand he did drive a vehicle into a crowd so . . . Outlaw vehicles and we’ll all breathe a little easier. Wildkow
Yup, blame it on the knife, gun , videogame, etc etc. How about addressing the truth that people once in a while go batshit crazy and kill other people. Its not the weapon, its the crazy guy. The only thing politicians like this successfully regulate is thought and the ability of an individual to defend themselves.
It fascinates me that our response to tragedies like this always takes a laser focus on the irrelevant bits of physical material involved and fails completely to even see (let alone try to resolve) the larger picture. So we get laws that forbid wearing red and blue striped t-shirt in banks because the last bank that got robbed was held up by someone wearing a red and blue striped t-shirt, and we don't pay any attention to the factors that persuade someone that taking the scary step of holding up a bank is the least scary option confronting him, and that if we could figure THAT out we might actually make some headway in reducing crime, because it sure as hell isn't red and blue striped t-shirts that are the problem.