Picked it up on DVD last night, and watched it for the first time... Probably THE BEST movie I've EVER seen! [Broken External Image]:http://www.sw-scotland-screen.com/wickerman_trail/images/wickerman.jpg h34r:
This probably doesn't belong here, but the first part of tonight's (Sun.) CBS "end of the world" (Part 1) TV movie was, uh, how to say it, AWFUL. I hate it when they spend over half the time in these cheapo disaster movies focusing on individual "human interest" people. I want carnage! Worldwide! More than just Jefferson's noggin falling off Mt. Rushmore! More than flying trailers (mobile homes)! More than Weather Channel archive snippets of dark clouds and blowing palms! Isn't Bangladesh flooded, with thousands drowned? Isn't L.A. getting covered with sand, with I-10 and the 405 gridlocked as people flee? (Oops, sorry, forgot, they're like that every morning and night. ) Even if next week's show is a rip-snorter, I'll be doing something else. Thanks for the space, Squid. Haven't seen Wicker Man. Is he the flammable guy they burn at Burning Man?
Wicker Man Director Angry over Re-Make Robin Hardy the Director of the original The Wicker Man has asked his lawyers to remove his name from all publicity materials for the Hollywood remake while they are still filming. The original director of The Wicker Man has called in his lawyers to have his name taken off promotional material for the $40m movie even before lead star Nicolas Cage has finished filming. "The amazing thing is that all the publicity keeps on saying that I have written the screenplay, which is obviously not true," says Hardy, who did not even take a writing credit on the original, though he worked closely with writer Anthony Shaffer. Apparently he's very disheartened at the remake removing itself from Scotland, which is where the pagan rituals are heavily placed in history, replaced the male pagan lead with a female, removed the virgin aspect of the main character and added killer bees.
The guy they burn at Burning Man is made out of wood, not wicker. The look is similar, but the motivation is different. And yes, I'm a seven-time burner. "The Man" from the Burning Man Image Gallery "The Wicker Man" was a 1973 film... here's the link to the IMDB entry: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070917/combined Dan
I didn't even know they were going to remake this. I generally won't watch remakes anyway. They're almost always crap. I'd bet money that this one will fall into that category.
I kept cracking up at the sounds they used when tossing lids on coffins open. I can't recall a movie where two coffins are tossed open to reveal various secrets or bodies. The best was when the first lid was tossed open only to reveal a rabbit. It's the way the second the lid was opened, someone plucked a single guitar string. Awesome, absolutely awesome! :lol:
If they're going to give me screenplay credits they could at least spell my name correctly. Jeez. I'm gonna have to look that movie up. Always up for a movie referral.