The saga is finally over!

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by LeadingEdgeBoomer, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. LeadingEdgeBoomer

    Aug 8, 2009
    New Mexico
    2010 Prius
    The saga is finally over! Also port acc, credit check, tires, customizations

    The saga is finally over!

    I decided on a 2010 Prius V with AT, with no compromise on any choices. I tried to buy at Beaver Toyota in Santa Fe, NM starting May 13, but they could not find it in-region (Rocky Mountain Region has only 100 dealers, and < 20M population), and had no car of interest to trade to dealers in other regions. I let them know I was shopping in SoCal, and put a deposit with Dianne at Long Beach. Beaver finally port-traded for my car, said it would be at Long Beach port on 9/25 (was actually 9/29), here 15 days later. After getting the VIN, I opened an account at and saw two cryptIc entries at the online service record (one about security etching) on 10/15 (at port?). I spied it in their back receiving lot on Sunday, picked it up Tuesday afternoon, 10/20.

    Here are some details that may be of interest since they have been discussed here:

    * They caved on what they had said were non-optional port accessories I did not want, instead I got the cargo organizer and cargo net (seems to have solid anchoring, looks OEM). I got most of the other add-ons I want just now from elsewhere (except for Weathertech floor mats) once I knew the car was definite.

    * Same price (MSRP) as elsewhere, no surprise extra profits or options. They mentioned paint protection with no pressure, but they are a little intimidated that I apparently know more about the car than any previous Prius customer (thanks to PriusChat).

    * They did not need my SSN or do a credit check. They mentioned it, but my sales guy threw away the form, since a certified check and that the bank will report the transaction anyway was enough.

    * Came with the Toyo tires. Michelin Primacy MXV4 is supposed to be available in 215/45R17 in October 2010 (I asked Michelin about it); see and November 2009 Consumer Reports.

    * No hassle in making the eight customizations I wanted (that I could not do, manual section 6-2) for free during prep. I got the idea there was discussion on the dealer side, with the Service Manager and General Manager involved. They missed one: seatbelt audio reminder beeps a few times, they'll get it when I'm back there.

    * Had 14 miles on it, came with a full gas tank.

    * Came with version 9.1 navigation DVD. Build date is 9/09.

    * Sales guy agreed that synthetic 0W20 oil was the way to go, but I would have to ask for it when in for oil service. Also said oil changes were OK from any source, but keeping records is vital. The unstated implication is that Toyota will try to invalidate warranty if they can (like health insurance companies). The manuals still have the 5K oil change interval.

    * The guy who handles the money/registration volunteered that I could save a little by registering the car myself, but DMV in NM is a hassle. He also recommended K&N filter cartridges, available at Autozone--everyone's an expert ;-> but I'll look into it. He noted that this was the second V with AT the dealer had managed to obtain. Life in fly-over country has its advantages and disadvantages.

    * They explained the extended warranty purchase option, and were up-front that I had until the end of regular warranty to decide (no pressure), but that the limit is hard. The limit is 36/36, not 35/35, and certainly not 36+1 day/36001, but 36/36 is the limit. I've never bought one of these before, and with Toyota's high reliability record, I am skeptical.

    * The car is Winter Gray/Dark Gray. For you demographics collectors, I am 62, retired, and pewter.

    Overall, I thought this was exemplary behavior by the Sales Department at Beaver Toyota. IMHO, it helps to "show no weakness" by correcting anything erroneous they might say--we've had a lot of conversations. PriusChat gave me the knowledge to do that. We'll see how maintenance and any needed warranty service goes. I have no connection with Beaver Toyota other than this purchase.

    Others' narrations of actually buying out-of-region (especially from Dianne), would be welcome, since I think this is a useful option to execute. I would have done so if the locals had not succeeded in getting the exact car I wanted.

    It hasn't stopped raining since I first got into the car yesterday, so I'll be pursuing the Prius Exploration Adventure soon.
  2. MaggieMay

    MaggieMay Active Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Gloucester, MA
    2010 Prius
    Congratulations!! :cheer2: And thank you for the write up on your experience! I agree that walking in already armed with information makes the purchasing experience much easier. And the PC Forums give you lots of ammunition!

    I went outside my region to purchase - primarily because it was early on and we just weren't getting inventory. My salesperson knew I was on PC and said - "I'm sure you know as much about this car as I do!" At that time she may have been right! By now, I think (or hope) that most dealers are trained and more up to speed than they were back during the introduction.

    Enjoy this great car and Happy Driving!
  3. asj2009

    asj2009 Member

    Sep 25, 2009
    2010 Prius
    Good's good to walk in there with info on the car....we actually knew more about the solar option than the dealer when we were haggling.
  4. JSW

    JSW Junior Member

    May 18, 2009
    2010 Prius
    My saga is finally over as well!

    We decided on a 2010 Prius IV with Solar Roof in Gold, with no compromise. We have been looking at the various dealers in the Chicago area and the only one we found - on the lot - was also LOADED by the dealer with almost $2,000 of dealer packs (loaded on at the stealership after arrival). They refused to sell any car on the lot or coming in without the dealer packs. I said 'good luck'.

    The other thing that bugged my wife was making a down-payment/deposit and waiting. Thus, I was constantly frustrated in my search! This down-payment/deposit issue became a stopper with us and ALL of the dealers except for Jeff Balcer at Pauly Toyota in Crystal Lake IL were unsympathic to our requirements. The other dealers continued to give us the old "give us $500 and we will have one in three or four months"

    Jeff found a car in the Chicagoland area and had it prepped and ready in ONE WEEK! Jeff and Pauly were GREAT to deal with! There was no pressure and no BS with the manager/sales or processing. The final processing (finance lady) took LESS THAN 15 minutes.

    * Same price (MSRP) as elsewhere, no surprise extra profits or options.
    * Came with version 9.1 navigation DVD.
    * Jeff checked with service. The manuals still have the 5K oil change interval for severe areas and the Chicago commutes qualify us.
    * Jeff and the final processing lady explained the extended warranty purchase option, and were up-front that I had until the end of regular warranty to decide (no pressure).

    Overall, I thought this was a wonderful car-buying experience. If more dealers and sales folkes were like Pauly and Jeff then we would not be referring to them in derogatory terms. I have no connection with Pauly Toyota or Jeff Balcer other than this purchase.

    So, if you live in or near Chicago don't pass up a trip to Pauly or Jeff (Jabber on PC).


    P.S. Jeff is as fun to talk to in person as he is on PC

    P.S.S. The car that I purchased was originally delivered to the dealer that I had the 'discussion' with about dealer packs-- go figure!
  5. Jabber

    Jabber Chicagoland Prius Guy

    Apr 23, 2009
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Thanks for the kind words Steve. As always, if you need anything, just give me a shout!