The Next Ice Age | Global Warming | DISCOVER Magazine so you have it: the possibility of another Bond event soon. This time within 300 years from a previous, not the usual 1470 years apart.
Fits pretty well with my analogy of having a cooler with ice in it. As the ice melts, it dissipates the cold in a variety of ways, which could go as far as having cooler weather in places. Will also cause more frequent and severe weather in others. When enough ice has melted and the cold dissipated, the things will really heat up. The earth will survive, we just might not like what it turns into....
That would be good long term to have some shift in Earth axis or other event to reverse global temperature rise. Then we could say Mankind was thinking ahead, putting all the CO2 up there to keep us warmer. That's one possible "out" of this CO2 jam, assuming we are in a CO2 jam. But we did roll the dice.
Hmmm....I need a temperature change. Our central Carolina temps have been 90+ for near 10 days; dreadful
Why anyone would stay in the SE is beyond me. I did my 18 years and got the hell out. It was enough to drive me to Minnesota for four years.
Fascinating. Thanks for sharing. I do remember learning about how ice ages and warming periods occur as a result of oceanic thermal circulation. I suppose a global cooling event would contribute to renewed glaciation though. I hope the Alaska Wildlife Refuge oil drilling equipment is frozen under massive glaciers.
Speaking of massive glaciers, a cavernous doomsday warehouse hundreds of feet under the ice houses seeds of the world in case of a cataclysmic event. Sort of like an emergency fire alarm...last person standing is to "break glass and open. Hope the last person knows about this.