Got to love beagles, they are marvelous dogs. I have had a couple when I was growing up. They are very smart, and when that nose its the ground, all bets are off. Thanks for the video Freedom.
And here's a smart cat[ame=""]Ninja Kitty Is In Ur Hall[/ame].
Okay. Dog much smarter than owner. 1. Boards nailed above door show dog originally got out top of door. 2. Brick on roof shows owner knows roof is loose. Instead of nailing it down, he thinks brick is enough to weigh roof down. 3. If dog was *really* smart, he'd go back to the door and undo the latch to let his friends out. That said, this probably won't be the only escape artist. Dogs learn by watching other dogs. Pretty soon another one of those dogs is going to try the same thing.
Reminds me of what happened when we first got Digby: 2 dogs, 1 cat. Cat is not happy, so we decide to keep dogs and cat separate while the cat gets used to the new dog. We have a bifold door to separate the living room and bedrooms from the kitchen and laundry room. Dog door is in the kitchen, so dogs get kitchen area (and outside), cat gets rest of house while we are at work. First day: Dogs figure out how to push bifold door open, even though there was a chair pushed up against it to hold it closed. Dogs are found in living room upon returning from work. Cat is hiding somewhere. Second day: I tie a rope onto the top of the bifold door so that it can't be opened. GF calls me at work, says that was a good idea letting one dog in living room while keeping other dog in kitchen. I didn't, they were both in kitchen when I left. Apparently, Digby was able to push the bottom of the door open far enough to squeeze through, but Dingo was trapped on the other side. Third day: I tie a rope as before and block the bottom of the door with a chair. I am sure the dogs will not be able to push the door open this time. GF calls me at work, says "You aren't going to be happy when you see this". Dogs could not push through the bifold door, so they chewed through the slats to make a dog sized hole in the bottom of the door. Both dogs are found in living room along with many pieces of bifold door. Owner gives up letting them stay in kitchen - banishes them to outside during the day. Longer story involving hole in gate, holes under fence and $2k vet bill for Dingo not recounted here for sake of brevity.