the first thing to go when i get my new prius thursday will be those silly nice person "halos" that are on the wheels. i had an 04 and when i took those things off i was pleasantly surprised at how good the actual wheel looks. almost (not quite ) looks like fancy custom wheels. so im going to do my self a favor and let myself be of those silly, no purpse except to look geeky wheel rings. there! ive said it and im proud.....
I'm convinced that if the Prius came without the trim rings, most of the people who make fun of them and clamor on and on about how stupid they look would be the first ones to order them as a custom upgrade. I took them off for a day myself but the spokes underneath have that indentation at the outside part of the rim that makes it look like it's missing something. Plus I parallel park often enough that curb scraping is not uncommon. I like the added protection. Besides, the rest of the car is so ugly no amount of wheel upgrade is going to ....well, never mind. *ducking*
ok great amswers. will i recycle them. yes to another planet! they do make great frisbies! oh, i use beaman toyota. they have several in stock right now. ask for neal a nice guy there. aha. we dont parallel park in nashville (thank goodness.) well at least not often. even with that indentation the wheels look very much better. at least in my humble (cough cough) opinion.
There's probably an aerodynamic quality to the rings we're not thinking about. OH OH I feel an experiment coming..... call Mythbusters. Do you get better gas mileage with the wheel rings on?
although aerodynamically, they add .0000001 percent slipperynish to the air flow, i find that the .000001 percent of weight saving more than makes up for it
They may have some resale value, to those of us who used our original trimrings to mount moondisks. I have no idea why I would want another pair, unless it was to protect the rims from curbs.
i thought that those numbers sounded kind of scientific so i went with them tongue in cheek. btw i already have 1 set of those in my closet from when i had my 04 prius.
I would be you have your numbers reversed even if they are made up. The disks are plastic so they weight almost nothing whereas the wheels of a car are one of the most turbulent flow regions on a vehicle
Same here. Not sure why, but in my neck of the woods, curbs like to jump out in front of me. The trim rings have always taken the hit instead of the much more expensive wheels.
If you take the rings off, put them up for private sale here on PC and I bet you'll have someone who mashed theirs against a curb buying yours up in a heartbeat.
A savvy buyer will know the Trim Rings come with the Prius with higher option package. Only the 'Base' Prius does not come with the rings, so it's better to stash these aside for future sell/trade-in instead. Toyota is also pretty Smart (or just cheap) for 2008 Touring's 16" wheel design as well. Insead of new alloy pattern, they just snap on a plastic 7-spoke cover to hide the original alloy wheel from 2007 Prius Touring.
Where I am from (Northern NJ) I can parallel park and keep my prius about a foot from the curb and I will still not have the otherside sticking out into traffic due to all the giant SUV owning soccer moms. The prius is so small but big at the same time.
Umm... I don't think either of those statements is true. Someone with a 2008 touring and someone with a base model correct me if I'm wrong.