It really didn't hit me just how dirty smoking is, until I test drove a truck over the weekend, whereas the person who delivered it to the dealership, smoked a butt in it just prior to my getting in. Just ONE cigarette, and it was almost unbearable for at least 15 minutes. Only ONE. Which made me think, what's worse: a chronic smoker whereas you can smell it on their clothes/body a mile away, or someone who occasionally wets their bed simply because they're too lazy to use the bathroom once a week. Seriously, which one is worse? If met your perfect life partner, and you were forced to choose one of the two habits, which would it be? :lol: Then I thought up of some others that are right up there....
Lazy bed wetting is a positive trait. I mean, who the hell wants to get up and go to the head every time? Talk about work. The bare foot one describes every kid who grew up in the south. What about sock feet? I agree, though, smoking is rather unpleasant at best. F*cking sucks at worst. There's nothing worse than trying to eat in a smoke filled pub. You can hardly enjoy a good pint. In Boulder, CO smoking is banned in bars unless the place provides a seperate, ventilated room for the smokers. Then it's cool.
I would have gone for smoking but bed wetting tops it. If it's a habit that means the person must do it often. Can you imagine sharing that person's bed? They'd be on the couch quick.
As much as I dislike smoking (two guys in my group smoke cigars before staff meeting), I think the dirtiest habit is not washing hands often enough and/or correctly. That's how contagious diseases spread: colds, flus, and worse. And how about those people who don't wash their hands after using the facilities? Remember the Seinfeld episode where the Poppie doesn't wash his hands after a stall visit, then proceeds to make a pie for Jerry? :blink: Need more convincing? Myth: Hospitals Keep You Safe from Germs. Half of the patients in intensive care of a Pennsylvania hospital who got infections from the staff died soon afterward. They cut the infection rate to zero by educating the staff on how to wash hands and raising bed angles to prevent pneumonia.
Smoking is, far and away, the filthiest of habits. Not only does it stink and pollute the air, but if forces everyone around the smoker to consume a deadly and addictive drug. I've never heard of anyone wetting their bed on account of laziness. Are you saying some folks would rather pee in their bed than get up??? In Mexico it's very common for someone to pass a sandwich around the room for everyone to have a bite before eating it. They made fun of me for my reluctance to take a bite.
Aside from not wearing shoes, all of those choices were equally disgusting....especially the bedwetting one. Anybody have a problem with this?...really? This reminds me of a conversation I had once with an old girlfriend who asked me why I didn't make the bed in the morning. I told her "why bother, I'm just going to sleep in it again tonight." Her response was: "why wipe your nice person then?" heck, I stopped wiping. :lol: No, really, I've made my bed every morning since then.. aw jeez, look at me...I hijacked the thread from disgusting habits, to bedwetting, to wiping....maybe we should have a poll: do you fold or crumple your paper? Or maybe, do you use your left hand, right hand, or tp?
:lol: The whole thing with wetting the bed due to laziness, is totally imaginary (although I'm sure there are some weirdo's out there with that sort of fetish), to illustrate just how bad cigarette smoke is. It's so bad, that one might rather put up with bed wetting than having to deal with the smoke and smell.... :lol:
MS, I think you should poll as to who wet the bed because they were too lazy to get out of bed. I can't stop laughing when I read that! :lol: I see you convinced one of your 'escorts' to pose with a Prius shirt on! Ah to be young again!
Someone's gonna have to buy some rubber sheets (or whatever those things are that protect the mattress underneath) and launder the bedsheets on a very regular basis (every day??!!)
Lawdsakes man, if the only disgusting things that other people did was walk barefoot and eat in their cars life would be worth living! Not taking a shower is disgusting? Eating food that smells is disgusting? Half the planet's population hasn't got fresh water to spare for the luxury of a shower, and it'd be a bland existence indeed if food didn't have an odour. The aroma of steak grilling on the BBQ we find so tantalizing would nauseate a sizeable population across this nation and many others, so "disgusting" is in the eye (or in this case the nose)of the beholder. When I saw the title of your poll I thought you'd name REALLY disgusting habits like using automatic weapons to settle grudges or (shudder) voting republican. THOSE are habits that give me the willies Mark Baird Alameda CA
With a built-in drain. I'd prefer heated porcelain, as regular porcelain can get quite cold to the touch. Brrr!
Yeah, agreed. You'd want some sort of coated brass for the drain. If you're too lazy to go to the head then you're too lazy to brasso the drain.
Just thinking about that... I'd have to say... ...I'd have to let her go... (...and ask Rancid13 to post more Angelina Jolie pics.) h34r: