If you haven't seen the movie yet, I HIGHLY urge you too. It's like the Happening, except it's a little more realistic if you can believe that. Keanu is awesome, and it actually gets a great message across - That we need to change or aliens are going to kill us It is actually a very well done movie and it show cases just how abusive we are as a species to the Earth. For anyone who loves the earth and knows we only get one of them, this is a must see movie.
Its a remake by the way, you ought to see the first one also, points to the same thing, we are a stupid species, and the sad part is that our leaders and military would act just like they did in both movies. I always thought it was pretty dumb, if an alien race or power showed up, and was obviously more powerful, attacking or showing military might is kind of pointless.
The way things are going to hell, maybe Klaatu needs to really pay us a visit, say hello, and drop off a Gort!!! !! de Pat KK6PD
Methinks that slickQUICKprius is very young ! Like early 20's. Just because it has Keanu Reeves in it, I'll pass. From the preview, I don't like what they did to Gort - an oversized liquid Terminator 3. It's supposed to be a SCARY movie, like the way the 1951 version scared the crap out of people, young and old back then - and even 20 years later when I saw it. Too bad Watchmen is only coming out in March.
You piqued my interest, Watchman, Googled it came across this promo... WATCHMEN MOVIE WOW !!! You all gotta see this trailer...way cool!! also Star Trek looks really promising!! de Pat KK6PD
I love the old 1951 classic. Just watched it again last week. And then I saw the 're-maike' and it's very good on it's own. It is not really a re-make, since it has a lot more going on then the original, but it does share some things, like names of characters, the chalk board that was in the first in this, if you know the musical score of the first one, you can catch some of that in this... I thought it was a fine film, and the ending makes you wonder, as in, what if...
I don't generally watch remakes, though I'll admit I've seen a few. I may have to look this one up, though. I really do love old B&W movies. Colorized is okay, but not my preference.
I'm 21. So what? I've seen the original and I've seen this one. If you don't like keanu that's fine, but as it's been said, this is a good movie in it's own and doesn't insult the original
My opinion. Don't watch this movie. It's horrible. There was no one in this movie that was worth caring about. There was nothing inspirational about it. I think I even care about the earth a little less after this movie. You've been warned.
I generally don't have time to watch movies in a theatre. I prefer for the movie to come out on cable or satellite, even better on Netflix or some other rental. Then I can watch it at my leisure I wouldn't mind seeing TDTESS. A recent preview also caught my eye: 2012. I like doom and gloom movies, and the preview really got my attention. The monk hurrying up the steep slope to the monestary, and the captions: "How would the governments of our planet prepare six billion people for the end of the world?" The monk is ringing the big bell, the scene cuts to a distant shot of the monestary, with waves of water crashing over the mountain peaks. The monestary is swept away by the waves of water. We then get the answer to the question "They wouldn't" Hey, an upbeat movie! Gotta watch that one!
I watched it (only because I work at a theatre and had to preview it) and thought that it was pretty boring. I personally think that Keanu Reeves should stick to movies that involve buses and bombs.