Many of us have dealt with hybrid battery problems or will soon. It would be very beneficial for us to know if battery balancers like Prolong and Maxx Volts will actually rejuvenate older modules. I’ve started a poll which I would like everybody to vote on who has used a battery balancer/rejuvenator on their hybrid batteries, so that we can see the results. The poll distinguishes between whether you have used a balancer before getting DTC codes or after. This makes a difference because I’m trying to figure out if balancers can successfully rejuvenate OLDER modules. If you get a code then my guess is that the modules in your hybrid battery pack are older and possibly less likely to be rejuvenated. Let’s find out! Will these battery balancers actually rejuvenate older modules or is it a waste of money? The results of this poll will help some of us save $300-$700+ Thanks for participating!
I bought and used the Prolong equipment prior to our old 2010 throwing a code (it never did by the way). And the Prolong equipment gave another 3 years of use prior to being sold to someone who needed reliable transportation and a hand. At over 200k miles and a battery performing well, battery balancing does work and is effective for also rebuilding batteries, should the need ever arise.
I haven't used prolong and I would not given miles (370K) and other issues(P0420) I have on car still with original battery. However I have seen all good results for the prolong equipment and would definitely consider using it on my 2018 RAV4H down the line.
Battery balancing via a grid charger is much more short lived than other efforts like deep cycling/reconditioning, replacing corroded hardware, replacing bad modules before they go bad via in depth testing, etc.. All of these efforts work together to ensure success... Balancing is just one part of the effort. For me it's usually the last thing I do before I put the car back together. Cars that I do balancing on are less problematic than cars I don't do this on.
My post should have said that the battery balancer is used to charge and discharge the battery bank, so I will try adding that information. The battery balancers that I’m referring to are Prolong and Maxx Volts and they are used in that manner. I appreciate your detailed feedback and it makes total sense what you were saying.
Don't think of it as something that saves you money. Think of it as something that delays a bigger expense while raising your total cost of transportation. You get to pay $new_battery_price or $replacement_car_price later instead of now. That's extremely useful for some people, but not everyone.
Yes, "Grid Charger" was the original name when Maxx Volts, RB and Prolong were all first getting started. It's primarily a phrase derived from electrical engineers. In automotive terms, it's essentially a high voltage trickle charger. And battery balancer is also the same thing but of a different name.