Hey guys just I have a question so I have a 2008 Prius and I just replaced the 12volt battery on Monday worked just fine the car was able to drive without any problems. So later on this week the ((!)) and the vsc light comes on so I checked the resivoior you know the one next to the engine to see if the water pump was bad and the bubbles still come. So I went to the back of the car and restarted the battery. No lights obvs but I noticed these lights come on when I make a hard brake or I make a hard turn. So any ideas?
Welcome to Prius Chat Mathew P. Much of USA won't get on here till later today, but as I can't really help you myself you'll have to wait till then. @Mendel Leisk in Canada may come back with more technical advice, but there are many more who will have the knowledge to help out.
The lights you're describing indicate that the brake/skid computer has one or more trouble codes it wants to give you, which will point the way to what your issue is. If you don't have a suitable scan tool, you can read brake codes with nothing more than a short skinny wire, by counting light blinks; a quick search here will find you posts on how to do that. -Chap
I’ve did that the other day used a scan gauge it said hybrid system then I turned the car off and turned it back on then read the scan gauge again then nonthing came up. Is it the car just trying to get used to the battery? Or is it the wrong battery or is the computer just not working properly?
If there are brake/abs/vsc lights on the dash, I would try getting the brake codes using the light blinks. That takes the scan tool out of the picture. If you get codes that way, you can post them. Only if you don't would it make sense to move on to more unusual possibilities. -Chap
So when I put the car in park the ((!)) came on and vsc no abs also well red triangle and I got these codes on the self diagnostic from the computer do they mean
They're not related to the brakes. That screen is only for diagnostics of the headunit and audiovisual stuff. You can look those codes up in the repair manual later if you want to follow them up, but probably lower on your list than the brakes. Do you have the blink codes for the brakes yet? -Chap
Check the engine oil level, just in case. Sometimes a hard brake or turn will push it far enough for low oil pressure to be detected, but not sure what light that would activate.
That's not a code from the brake computer though. The lights you mention suggest there are codes to retrieve from there. Is there a reason you don't want to? -Chap
if you want to fix your own car you should look up the blink codes as ChapmanF suggested above. you can lookup the codes shown in you jpeg attachment here Toyota Prius 2004-2009 Lan Check Codes and their meanings | PriusChat
Ivhad a similar experience today, from a Prius that was brought to the shop. It finally came to be that the aux battery was dead! Outputting only 8.45A. So, try replacing the battery and see what happens again
So take out the battery again like unscrew it take the 12volt and put it back in and resrew everything?