My order of the 07 Prius with #5 I believe includes an alarm system. Now, I have been reading that the alarm system has to be activated in order for it to be used, and that it has to be done at the dealership via scantool. Does anyone who has the alarm system done this? Also, there was a post that Danny made months back on how to activate it yourself but unfortunately I got an error message when I clicked on the link so seems like that info has been lost. Plus, at what times does the alarm activate? I heard that if you get the GBS installed with it it the alarm will sound off when a glass door is broken or something....can anyone tell me about this as well? Also, I heard the horn on the Prius is pretty wimpy....if the alarm is tied into the horn then would it be possible to upgrade the horn in order for the car to sound more 'serious'? I think that some car theives would laugh at the fact that an alarm going off with a wimpy horn :lol:. Thanks for any help!
If it comes with the alarm system then it's activated. The alarm horn is different from the regular horn. The alarm horn sounds more normal.
As was said, if the package indicates alarm, then the alarm has been activated. Packages supposedly not including the alarm actually have the alarm hardware and software, but the alarm is not turned on. A dealer has the capability to turn it on with their scanner, effectively giving you a 'free' alarm (which IMO should be included in the base model). Then there's the glass breakage sensor option. This listens for the sound of glass breaking, and trips the alarm when it does hear glass breaking. The part is installed, then the dealer uses his tool to tell the car that it is now installed. Adding the glass breakage sensor for the packages without the alarm is a way for Toyota (and dealer) to justify the price of the option. The diffence between the GBS for a Prius with alarm versus a Prius without alarm, other than the price, is extra instructions for the dealer to activate the alarm before activating the GBS. Otherwise he only activates the GBS. I know there is a way to change the alarm to passive mode and back to active mode without the tool, but I am not aware of a way to turn the alarm itself on without the scanner. I haven't been around for a while so if someone finds it, PM me.
Assuming that you can turn on this alarm on packages that don't have it.... How then do you use the alarm? How do you activate it, deactivate it.... etc....