I saw this video on the Youtubes on how to run Techstream on a newer laptop. Anyone on here try this? How did it go? My old laptop I was using for Techstream is crapping out on me so it would be great to have this option.
I tried all sorts but couldn't get it to run on anything more modern. Still on an old tablet with windows 7
Download for x64 TOYOTA Techstream V16.20.023 (08/2021) + Activation - MHH AUTO - Page 1 More versions, take your pick MHH AUTO - Search Results
If having issues, pick your favorite device and run a preinstalled version with virtualbox. https://blog.obdii365.com/2019/11/04/download-techstream-v12-vmware-for-vxdiag-toyota/
Register, I donated $20, then you can download any version, install the version. Run the software and generate ID, then post the ID, someone will post an activation key. Been a couple years since I installed mine. Looks to be the latest version. TOYOTA Techstream V17.10.012 (06/2022) + Activation - MHH AUTO - Page 1
Last night I found another 32 bit laptop laying around. Is there a place to download Techstream and will it work on Windows Vista?
Just a file imgburn creates when writing to iso file, probably not necessary. Deleting the iso file when you have it downloaded.