Ahoy matey. Avast ye' scum ridden weevil shaggers, get yer fine breeches on and join the fun or be keelhauled on the next morn! Arrgh. Have ye any favorite phrases to share? Wednesday September 19th 2007 is Talk Like a Pirate Day! Talk Like a Pirate Day only comes once a year (on September 19th), this year it falls on a Wednesday. If you're not ready yet, you can learn more about this international holiday on the About TLAPD page or practice some phrases from the PiratePhrases page. After all, you don't want to be handed the BlackSpot when the holiday is over!
Prepare to surrender thy Booooooty.... Avast ye dreadbolted scullions Whats a pirates favorite fast food...Arrrrby's Whats a pirates favorite state....Arrrkansas Whats a pirates favorite food from Texas...Arrrrmadillo Whats a pirates favorite vegetable....Arrrrtichokes Whats a pirates favorite weapon...Arrrtillery Knock knock...whose there? Interrupting pirate... When the other person replies with - "Interrupting pirate who", you say ARRRGHH before they finish saying interrupting pirate whoooo?
The pirate's alphabet Aye be sea dee ee ef gee aich Aye AYE jay kay elle em en oh pee cue ARRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ess ... Sorry
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(KD6HDX @ Sep 4 2007, 11:19 AM) [snapback]506768[/snapback]</div> ARRRGH. Don't touch me booty!