I bought my 2010 in 2014 with 22k miles on it. That summer, front pads had 8mm per dealer. One year later, they were down to 7, per same dealer. Rear ones were iffy then, so I replaced them 9 months later (with slotted rotors because I didn't pay attention when I was ordering, heh) and they had uneven wear, especially on driver's side. Fast forward 9 months, and a new dealer is telling me the fronts are down to 4mm. I lost 1mm the first year but 3mm in the second? I do have a brake heavy commute now whereas I didn't as much the first year, but that still seems a bit absurd. I'm afraid to ask the dealer because I know they'll jump at the idea of charging me a fortune for work on the calipers or anything like that. Also, replacing the rear brakes was easy just like any other car (well, aside from disconnecting the battery), but am I better off leaving front brakes to the dealership? The rear brakes are pretty much the only thing I've ever replaced on any car. Or could somewhere like Goodyear handle that without messing it up? Any help is greatly appreciated.
if you did the rears yourself, what are you concerned about with the front? also, i would want visual confirmation on the pad thickness. is 4mm the minimum?
I've had similar issues over the years with "fluctuating" brake measurements. When I have called mechanics on this - yes, once my pads "grew" thicker - I have been told they eyeballed it (for state inspections, no less!). So I guess I wouldn't give those numbers too much weight.
The front brakes are a walk in the park compared to the rears, which are complicated by the parking brake, and the tricky pin against piston positioning. You should have no problems with the front, completely conventional. Only cautions I can think of: Disconnect 12 volt battery (per the rears) Be careful pushing in the piston, it's "resin" (plastic).
That's exactly the reassurance I needed, thanks. I read bunches of other posts about the front brakes but somehow they all made it sound much worse than the back. Stuff about fluid spewing out and whatnot....
Very true- they were spot on about the rear ones though so for the moment I was giving them the benefit of the doubt. If the front's are easy to replace (which is sounds like they are) I may do it a little early to play it safe
you don't have to disassemble much to measure the pads. all four disks and pads my '12 with 42k look like brand new.