Toyota, Take Note, It would be a good added feature if Shift form Park to Reverse or Drive runs another check for the Key Fob and will not enter drive gear unless FOB is still present. Maybe a firmware update at some time there is another reason to adjust that part of the code. Added bonus, if we get car jacked, all we need to do push park and run from the car with the FOB and our life. Priuschat, we should provide some sort of honorary recognition for whomever has been stranded the longest distance away and whomever has the weirdes story. Vote once for each time it happened to you. This has happened to me three times with my two Pirus. 1. Shortly after I bought 2007 Prius, I killed the 12 V battery. I had a friend helping me jump the car, and I handed him the Fob to try and start it. Somehow we couldn't figure it out and he left for his home with the Fob. Wife had to come 60 milse round trip to bring another Fob and we figured out how to jumpstart the car. 2. 2007 Prius, wife and I out running errands and I sent her away with the car with plans to meet up in about 30 minutes. Thank God for cell phones, this time I only had to walk about a mile to rectify the situation. 3. 2010 Prius Today. There was frost on the windows in the morning so I turned on the car and began clearing the frost. Last minute, decided to go in and check for any traffic alerts. I must have set my Fob down by the home PC, becuase now I am 34 miles away at work, have turned off my car, but I sure don't have the FOB. Guess I call a coworker who lives close to me.
On my car I have installed a hack that makes the car "play dead" when the fob is removed and the car is still in ready. All the dash lights go dark, and the car will refuse to shift into gear, but it actually is still ready. The climate control still functions, even though the MFD goes off. This enables me to get out of the car for short errands while leaving it ready without fear of someone stealing it. It also makes it impossible to do the things you mentioned above. Why Toyota didn't do it this way is beyond me. Several people have asked "what happens if your fob battery dies while you are driving". Answer: nothing. The car doesn't check for the presence of the fob until the door is opened, so while driving nothing would happen. Also: even if it did, in my situation the car would remain drivable, (but w/o any displays) until you put it in park. At some point I may offer this as a kit anyone can install. Right now I'm busy trying to get PRIUSCAN out to everyone.
my wife has dropped me off a few times. i drive to the destination with the fob in my pocket. she gets in the drivers seat and i still have it. luckily, we have remembered so far, but i can see it happening.