I had my worst fear realized this morning as I walked outside to unplug my car only to realize my j1772 plug was stolen. The charge door was left open. They were so nice and left me a full charge. I now have no charger for my car. I should have locked it somehow to the car. I was actually looking for a lock that would work for the connector. Just venting about this because, realistically, what are they going to do with my charger? Other owners have their own chargers. I have checked my local Craigslist and nothing has turned up yet. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Well, so sorry for your plights. Aren't there compatible ones you could check over on eBay, etc? Dxta
I'm feeling your pain. A couple suggestions. Check your fire & theft insurance in case you want to buy the $1200 cord, also go through the forum for pages like this one at Best lock for charging cable? | PriusChat Someone suggested parking with a tire on the cable, (not such a bad idea) or locking the charging brick and the end of a suitable extension cord in the hatch. Any handle setups like this one are neat, but they lack the strength to fend off a determined thief.
What a bummer! Just makes you feel great about humanity, eh? There is a pretty decent market for the EVSE cables since they do fail sometimes and need to be replaced. There are several options for replacement ranging from under $200 to the one Toyota sells that must be made from unobtanium judging by its price. Also, I would never park on my cable. I don't even step on it except by accident. The best scheme I've seen is a cable lock through the rear wheel.
When I bough my car from Carmax, they had to replace the missing cable with a new one from Toyota...the manager was pissed, because it cost them $900! I realized that they were expensive when even the used ones on eBay were $250. i figured if mine were stolen I probably wouldn't replace it due to the fact that the savings in using electric (from home where I pay for it) would far exceed the cost of just using the car like a regular Prius and just run on gas all the time. I rarely use or take my Charging Cable out of my garage for this reason. I used it at a private home one time, and twice at hotels. I wasn't too worried at the the hotels as the charging location wasn't in an open area and I was a upscale hotels. Also I immediately went out and disconnected when the 2 hours was up so the cable wasn't out any longer than necessary. Other than that I usually just leave my cable in my garage where I simply back in, plug in and close the garage door. If the thief was smart they will sell it on eBay. There is a good market and no way to track those cables.
I was able to pick up another one through an auction on eBay for pretty cheap. I charge for free at my current location and I am trying to figure out how to get my boss to let me charge at work. I bought a lock similar to a bike cable. I wrap that through the wheel in the back and go unplug it when the alarm on my Google home goes off. It's at least a deterrent. I drove over 600 miles on a single tank and that included a drive through Yosemite and it's hills(I got a lot of Regen to use in the valley ). I like being able to plug in and drive for free around town. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.