Do the stock black rims come powder coated or paint sprayed? I have a 2010 and want my silver ones black and debating if I should pick up a set of used black ones or spray paint mine, PC is too much of a cost in my area.
The stock rims are powder coated. Spraying black over silver with a “rattle can” would be prone to chipping and flaking. Best bet would be to buy a set of 2012-2015 black rims.
Theres some black stock rims for sale locally I've been eyeing and not too bad of a deal, didn't really want to rattle can my silver rims just wanted to double check if the stock ones were powder coated since they seem to hold up well.
Use Plati Dip instead (Commonly found at walmart). In case you end up not liking the black, you can safely remove it
Considered plasti dip but want something more permanent, probably just buy some used stock black ones when a good deal pops up.