Did anyone listen to the TWiT this week? Steve Wozniak is on and he drives a Prius. http://thisweekintech.com/35
If ever there was a person who would appreciate the Prius for it's engineering achievements, the Woz would be it. Frankly, seeing Woz driving a Prius is a lot more of a testemonial to the car than Cameron Diaz driving one.
"Frankly, seeing Woz driving a Prius is a lot more of a testemonial to the car than Cameron Diaz driving one." Yeah, but who'd you prefer to ride with as a passenger?
I must be a bigger geek than I thought. I'm happily married to a wonderful tech-savvy woman, and I find myself choosing Wozniak over Diaz. He's a decent person who loves technology. http://www.woz.org/wozscape/wozbio.html
Hmmm, Woz or Diaz... I like Woz and worked with a team treating amnestic patients at Cal. He actually helped fund the project perhaps 20 years ago. Real nice guy. I also choose Woz over Diaz. If, however, it was Penelope Cruz and Woz, well, you get the picture. I always go for the dark sultry types. -Paul R. Haller-
i listen to TWIT religiously others are Science Friday The Bob Rivers Show (if you live in Western WA, im sure you have probably heard of him. been on the air on KZOK since 1988...long time) and of course, the Mac Insider and Woz is cool and all, but take Cameron anyway i can!!
Yup, I've listened to every ep of TWiT. It's funny that Woz is still into various pranks these days. His cuting sheets of dollar bills w/scissors prank is pretty funny.