Hello everyone, I bought a 2010 Prius a little over two weeks ago and am relatively satisfied except for one issue....my steering wheel turns more than I think it should; even for simple turns. I looked through these forums for similar topics but other owners are concerned about wheel alignment and response. My alignment is fine and I feel no resistance when turning the wheel, it's just that the steering wheel has a loose feel to it and I wish there was more tension. Does this involve my steering ratio? Keep in mind that I have the basic Model II Prius and I haven't brought the issue to my dealer's attention. I do plan to once I get my brakes fixed but I'm curious to read other member's input on this minor annoyance. Thanks for the help.
I have a Prius III and I would have to say that my steering "feel" is 180 degrees from what you describe. My steering has a tight feel to me. I think I would discuss this with your dealer and have him compare against another Prius.
Heh, mine can be more like a 360. Do you know if this is something that can be easily adjusted by the dealer?
I think I know what the OP is saying. My steering is tight but it seems to take more turns lock-to-lock to make it turn really sharp (like when doing a U-turn) than some of the other cars I've had. No biggy to me ~ I just figured it was an energy saving thing. FWIW, there's no way to change the ratio at the dealer so its just something we'll have to live with.
Have you checked your tire pressure? High front tire pressure decreases steering effort. Cars are shipped from factories with overinflated tires, and some dealers don't bother to adjust them as part of the PDI.
I haven't checked my tire pressures yet but I will do so as soon as possible. If I'm understanding you correctly, a higher tire pressure would affect how far my steering wheel will turn? The "feel" of the tires against the road seems fine however. The problem I have is with how far I have to turn the wheel.
No--tire pressure won't affect the lock-to-lock. I was responding to your comment highlighted in red above, which is different than your recent post.
Ah, I see what you mean. Thanks for the response. The strange thing is that this steering issue was not something I picked up on during my test drive and even into the first week of owning the car. Once I became accustomed to the feel of driving a Prius (mind you, I used to drive a terribly old Tercel) I started to notice the steering quirk. So maybe it's part psychological or who knows what else...I'll just mention it to my dealer and see what their input is.
lol. I've gotten used to it, and don't notice it anymore. The model V has a tighter (less turns lock to lock) steering ratio. It also has a brushless steering assist motor (more expensive and powerful). I'm guessing the motor on our cars was ,not powerful enough for the tighter ratio, and I doubt many would have paid more just for the option.
I have had my IV since the end of Nov. and I have had something similar in thought, but saw no one who posted about it until I stumbled upon this thread. The steering ratio is what I find quite different on this car to what I have in other vehicles. If I drove this car only, I would have thought about it being different for a week and then I'd have been use to it........But, I have an '02 Camry and the steering seems to be much "faster", (would that be the right term?) in it. When I drive my Prius I feel like I have to, (I do have to!), be consious of my input as I go around a corner, because it, (the Prius), requires more turning of the wheel to accomplish the same turn than I would need in the Camry. It is something that as you say, is a "minor annoyance", but the first few times I drove the Prius it was a little disconcerting! otherwise I find the steering on the Prius fine, not loose, no wondering, etc., just more input needed to round a corner. I really wanted a V, for the 17" wheels, but now I find the steering is faster as well ! @#$%^! Oh well, better (softer) ride anyway, Huh!