2012 Prius 3 with Solar Roof: At mile mark 315 from NEW this problem reared its head and Toyota can not fix it. When a full lock U Turn is made the steering Wheel violently shakes. Tho a not at full lock u turn is executed without issue. Things found by the dealers: ABS sensors fire at full lock due to one wheel turning faster than the other, as happens in a U Turn, yet they are baffled as to why a NOT a full lock turn does not fire the sensors under the same conditions. Other 2012 Prius have been checked and this problem does not occur. Add into the problem, once the suspension unloads I.E. lifting the car for inspection, the problem will not return till the car settles to its normal ride height.
Seems like it might be related to the steering torque sensor. It's as if the sensor is not sending a signal to indicate full lock and is modulating the P/S motor. Has the car exhibited and fault codes?
None. Only thing it has done is lost the radio/ nav screen while driving once or twice, but it came back as I was exiting the freeway each time and no codes. Overall, it's a good car that can't make a U-turn without having a fitt. FYI put the hub caps in the garage and leave them there, install axle caps, keep an eye on the tire pressure and expect 56 mpg.
If I do a u turn kind of fast and the steering wheel is all the way left, it shakes for me too, and there is kind of a violent grinding sound. The first time it happened it freaked me out. One or two lights momentarily illuminated on the dash. This has happened a few other times but it doesn't bother me too much because I don't make fast u turns very often.