Had my Prius since Saturday. First charge on Sunday. Charged fully, when turning it on saw the Charge result prompt. But I charged it Monday, saw the orange light, went out 3 hours later, light was off, unplugged it, blah blah. But when I went out and drove it today, it didn't have the charge result indicator (actually, I wasn't looking) but I know it wasn't charged because it didn't go into EV mode. What do you think happened?
Were you playing around with the charge timer? If the charge timer is set, when I plug in my cable/EVSE, the light will turn orange, then shut off and wait until it reaches the set time.
No, wasn't mucking around with that. Just a straight charge since I know it should only take 3 hours and be done b4 bedtime.
One time out of four or five that I plug the car into my home charger, the orange light on the car will light up for a few seconds. But then (often after I've walked away thinking it's working) it turns off. When I look at the charger (it's a Leviton L2 charger), the red 'Fault' light is lit. When this happens I have to unplug the car and replug it once or twice before the fault goes away and normal charging begins. Not a huge inconvenience now that I know to watch for it, but something I find I always have to keep in mind.
tom, you should have yor charger checked out, that is not normal. iria, are you also plugging into a home charger?