The EU is drawing up new rules for connected cars, and car companies are claiming a technology named C-V2X, which enables cars to communicate via cellular networks to other connected devices, is a better option than a rival wifi-based technology known as ITS-G5. ITS-G5, despite the name, doesn't have an upgrade path to the 5G cellular communications standard. China, the US, and other regions are looking toward the C-V2X standard for connected cars, and the European makers believe looking at ITS-G5 puts them at an economic disadvantage. BMW, Daimler, telcos in push to get EU adopt connected car standard | Reuters
Sidebar, AT&T is rolling out 5G in OKC this year. I was surprised as we're not usually one of the first for these things. "Oklahoma City will be one of the first six cities in the country to receive the new AT&T 5G cellular service. Oklahoma City will join Charlotte and Raleigh, North Carolina; Dallas; Atlanta; and Waco, Texas in receiving the service this year."