Only 247 cars to be divvied up between all SoCal's 73 or so dealers this time. That's for end of January, early Feb arrivals. UGH! :: banging head against wall :: Sigh. Dianne
Ouch that's gotta suck. Pretty obvious this was going to be the highest demand month. Now for it to be the lowest supply month has gotta hurt. Good luck. I'll keep checking your inventory.
2.5+ Priuses per dealer? That should stimulate some waiting-list-building. Oh, now, Rancid's hyperventilated and lying on the floor. See what you did?
Nope. As of last night, I'm quite content, thrilled even. See my latest post in the Order Tracking forum. My car has been allocated and will be here in that late Jan/early Feb delivery. Can't wait!